Wednesday 30 October 2013

School district investigates case of cyberbullying against student

Officials: Student took photo of another student without his or her knowledge

BALTIMORE —An Annapolis High School student took a photo of another student without his or her knowledge, and the photo ended up on social media, Anne Arundel County Public Schools spokesman Bob Mosier told 11 News.

The student texted the picture along with an inappropriate comment to several students, and the photo ended up on a social media site, Mosier said.
School officials became aware of the incident Monday after classes ended, so they launched an investigation, which continued into Tuesday morning. As a result, "appropriate disciplinary action" was taken against the 11 students, officials said.
School officials are treating the incident as cyberbullying and said it violated the school system's code of conduct.
Officials would not specify what kind of action was taken; however, officials said the students' parents were contacted.

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